6 Napier Road #02-10 Gleneagles Medical Centre
Singapore 258499


+65 66532604

Category: Leg

Piriformis Syndrome

Dr Kevin Yip

Brief Outline of Piriformis Syndrome Piriformis Syndrome is a result of pressure applied to the sciatic nerve by the piriformis muscle. The pain usually runs from the buttocks down to the back of the thigh. Incorrect form or improper gait often leads to tightness and inflexibility in this muscle. This condition occurs more frequently in […]


September 18, 2013
Leg, Singapore Wrist Pain Specialist
Dr Kevin Yip

How are the Ganglion Cyst treated? Ganglions cyst removal treatment may be needed if the ganglion causes pain or other symptoms. Your doctor may treat a ganglion by: Draining fluid from the bump with a needle (aspiration). Injecting hydrocortisone into the joint. Doing surgery to remove it. How are ganglions diagnosed? A ganglion can usually be diagnosed […]

Muscle Cramps

September 11, 2013
Dr Kevin Yip

What are muscle cramps? A muscle cramp is a strong, painful contraction or tightening of a muscle that comes on suddenly and lasts from a few seconds to several minutes. It often occurs in the legs. A muscle cramp is also called a charley horse. Nighttime leg cramps are usually sudden spasms, or tightening, of muscles […]

Calf Strain

March 28, 2013
Dr Kevin Yip

Brief Outline of Calf Strain Failing to warm-up properly can lead to muscle strains. The calf muscles are used when taking off during a sprint, when jumping, changing directions, or when coming out of the bottom of a deep squat. These are usually explosive movements requiring forceful contractions of the calf muscles, which can lead […]

Medial Tibial Pain Syndrome (Shin Splints)

March 26, 2013
Dr Kevin Yip

Brief Outline of Shin Splints Shin splints are a common complaint of runners and other athletes who have just taken up running. Shin splints are actually a term used to cover all pain in the anterior shin area. There are several possible causes. Medial tibial pain syndrome, the most common cause of shin pain, refers to […]

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