6 Napier Road #02-10 Gleneagles Medical Centre
Singapore 258499


+65 66532604

Tag: present

Bunions and Hallux Valgus

March 10, 2010
Dr Kevin Yip

WHAT IS BUNION AND HALLUX VALGUS? Hallux valgus is a condition when the big toe of the foot called the hallux starts to deviate inward towards the direction of the little toe. As the big toe drifts over into valgus, a bump starts to develop on the inside of the big toe over the metatarsal […]

Morton’s Neuroma

March 10, 2010
Dr Mathew Tung Neurosurgeon

WHAT IS MORTON’S NEUROMA? Morton’s Neuroma is a benign soft tissue mass that forms on the nerve which runs between the metatarsals and the ball of the foot. When the two metatarsal bones rub together, they squeeze the nerve that runs between them. This repeated squeezing, or repeated injury to the nerve, causes the nerve […]

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