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Singapore 258499


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Tag: finger

Finger Dislocation

October 5, 2013
Dr Kevin Yip

Brief Outline of Finger Dislocation Finger dislocations are more severe injuries than sprains and involve the displacement of the joint, altering the alignment of the finger. The joint must therefore be reset before the finger may be immobilised with casting, splint or taping. Splints allow the ligaments and joint capsule to properly heal. Such dislocations are […]

Finger Sprain

October 5, 2013
Dr Kevin Yip

Brief Outline of Finger Sprain Finger sprains are injuries to a joint that cause a stretch or tear in a ligament. Ligaments are resilient bands of tissue connecting one bone to another. Such sprains are common in a wide variety of sports including football, cricket, and handball. Such sprains include metacarpophalangeal and interphalangeal sprains, Boutonniere […]

Finger Pulp Infection

June 14, 2013
Dr Kevin Yip

A finger pulp infection most commonly affects the fleshy area at the tip of your finger known as the finger pulp. Often the infection starts from a cut or a splinter. About finger pulp infection Symptoms of finger pulp infection Complications of finger pulp infection Causes of finger pulp infection Diagnosis of finger pulp infection […]

Mallet Finger

March 1, 2010
Dr Kevin Yip

WHAT IS MALLET FINGER? Mallet finger occurs when the outermost joint of the finger is injured. With mallet finger, the tendon on the back of the finger is separated from the muscles it connects. WHAT ARE THE CAUSES? Commonly an athletic injury where basketball and baseball players routinely experience jammed fingers, but the injury can […]

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